When I begin to remove the layers of who I think I am,  I realize that these are all just stories and experiences my soul has encountered on this journey of a lifetime.  As I begin to uncover the layers of who I perceive you to be, I see that these, too, are made up of a lifetime of experiences and people who have shaped your your path.

When I freely let go of the things that I think make me unique and identify who I am…what I do, what I choose to wear, where I live….most of these are simply ways that I have learned to be in the world, based on my conditioning, experiences and people who have shaped my individual expression.

It is no different for you.

As I see through all of these layers, covering you and covering me,  I feel your soul.  I feel my soul.  We are each just souls,  the purest and most beautiful of souls,  just longing to express, longing to create, longing to love.  We are just beautiful souls on this journey, making our way back home.  When we lose the layers we have both accumulated over this lifetime,  all that makes us different,  I can fully see you.  You can fully see me.  We are one in the same and can show each other the way back home.