“Perhaps the most important thing we bring to another person is the silence in us, not the sort of silence that is filled with unspoken criticism or hard withdrawal. The sort of silence that is a place of refuge, of rest, of acceptance of someone as they are. We are all hungry for this other silence. It is hard to find. In its presence we can remember something beyond the moment, a strength on which to build a life. Silence is a place of great power and healing .”                                       

~ Rachel Naomi Remen

All sessions available virtually in the comfort of your own space.  Sessions can now be held anywhere in the world.   Session times are listed in CST.  

Sessions in person available upon request, on a per case basis.



Zen Healing Arts offers a calm space of stillness amidst the modern world,  

a return to harmony of mind, body and soul.  









Initial Consultation

Tea and Connection


“When I drink tea, there is only me and the tea.  The rest of the world dissolves.

  There are no worries about the future.  No dwelling on past mistakes.”

-Thich Nhat Hanh





Meditation is an art that focuses on stillness and tranquility within the mind.  It is the foundational practice that supports all other healing offerings at Zen Healing Arts.  Beginning the lifelong journey of meditation and the discovery of the stillness within you, where all of the answers you seek ultimately lie, is the most important practice you will ever learn to cultivate in this lifetime.

As a Certified Meditation Instructor, I will gently guide you in establishing and cultivating  your own personal meditation practice in a supportive and encouraging environment, whether provided in an individual or group environment.  Today, meditation is now an all encompassing word.  In these sessions we discover together which type of meditation practice bests supports you to create a foundation that supports your overall inner stillness, peace of mind and well-being.

Reserve an Individual Guided Meditation Session (60 min)

Reserve Establishing a Foundation: 6-Week Meditation Series (60 min)





Yoga  –  Reiki  –  Walking –  Qigong  –  Bamboo Stick

Everything is Energy and Movement is a form of Meditation

“Not the stillness in stillness, but the stillness in movement is the true stillness.”

Zen proverb


Energy and Movement sessions offer a safely guided environment to return to the body through physical movement and healing modalities as natural forms of meditation.

In Movement sessions we will explore various modalities from Yoga postures which support your Meditation practice as well as Walking Meditation, Bamboo Stick Exercises, Qigong and Whole Body Exercises allowing your own discovery of how to most naturally move from the thinking mind into the body.

Energy sessions, “Reiki”,  are form of healing modality that originated in Japan.  “Reiki” is defined as life energy.  This is the same energy cultivated in Tai chi, Qigong and various Martial Arts as “Chi” or in Yoga as “Prana.”  It is the breath that flows through all living things.  It is all the energy that is flowing through all of life.  Reiki is a form of healing energy which transfers life healing energy from the practitioner to the client through healing intention.  People seek Reiki sessions for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual issues. Reiki is now being recognized and utilized as a proven healing modality in hospitals across the country such as Johns Hopkins for patients with chronic diseases of all types.  Every person is uniquely individual and has a different sensitivity to energy.  Most people experience Reiki as peaceful, calm and relaxing.  Reiki can clear stuck, stagnant energy and restore energy flow and balance to body, mind and spirit.

Reserve a Movement Session (1 hour)

Reserve an Energy Session ( 1 hour)

Reserve an Energy Session with Guided Meditation (1 hour)

Reserve an Energy or Movement Session (1 hour and 30 min)






Hypnosis is a holistic healing modality that creates a state of profound mental and physical relaxation, much like the result of regular meditation practice.  It provides a safe and effective way to bypass the conscious thinking mind and move to the subconscious mind which drives our behaviors.  As a Certified Meditation Instructor and Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist I will gently guide you drawing upon these two modalities.

The Transpersonal belief is that the soul already holds the key to its own answers which can be more easily uncovered in the hypnotic state. Encompassing the mind/body/spirit as a whole in the healing process, as mental/emotional connections are made at the subconscious level, changes occur at the physical level.  Transpersonal Hypnotherapy is provided in a completely safe and trusting environment. You will be gently and safely guided through a process of meditation and deep relaxation allowing you to access your own keys and answers already held within your subconscious mind.  You will not be directed or guided to do anything outside yourself.  You will be in control and you will be accessing a much deeper connection with your own soul and true self.

Hypnotherapy can be used to effectively address many issues including Stress and Fear, Grief and Overcoming Loss, Sleep and Pain, Relationships and Goals, Spirituality and Soul Exploration and more.  Hypnotherapy has been proven to work effectively in partnership with Psychotherapy, but should not be sought in place of ongoing Counseling or Therapy.


Reserve a New Client Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Session ( 1 hour and 30 min)

Reserve an Existing Client Hypnotherapy Session (1 hour)


I’m a member of the International Association of Counselors and Therapists. A premier association for wellness practitioners





“When we consider our lives as only one single chapter in the overall epic novel of our soul, it shines the light into our darkness. It opens the window to create a transformational ripple effect in the way we engage with every other soul and circumstance we experience on our soul’s journey.”       

Reincarnation and Past-Life-Regression are not modern concepts. People have believed in reincarnation since ancient times. Since prehistoric times, there have been numerous techniques used to explore past lives. Every religion has an ‘inner teaching’, and within that inner teaching, reincarnation and its evolutionary implications have been accepted as the universal truth. There is sufficient evidence to show that the Hindus, Ancient Celts, the Egyptians, the Tibetans, and the Hebrew Cabalists etc. used past-life remembrance.

In these sessions, we explore the deepest aspects of your self through meditative and therapeutic hypnosis guidance, allowing you to peacefully access the furthermost depths of your own self.  We begin to explore the questions of your overall life purpose and themes to uncover why you are here in this lifetime at this time in humanity, what you are here to learn, and how you can best serve the world through your soul’s authentic voice.   We can explore these questions together in a calm and safe space through a number of modalities, first and foremost recognizing you as your own guide.  These sessions can organically evolve into the areas your soul wants to go, exploring themes of your soul’s journey throughout its many lifetime incarnations.  Ultimately, you hold the answers within to the questions you are seeking.  We will explore these together.

New Client Soul Session /Regression Private Session (2 hours)

Existing Client Soul Session / Regression Private Session (2 hours)





“There is a place in the soul that neither space nor time nor flesh can touch. This is the eternal place within us. The deepest things that you need are not elsewhere. They are here and now in that circle of your own soul. 

It is a great point of growth in your life when you allow what is luminous within to awaken you. This may be the first time that you actually see yourself as you are. The mystery of your presence can never be reduced to your role, actions, ego, or image. You are an eternal essence; this is the ancient reason why you are here. To begin to get a glimpse of this essence is to come into harmony with your destiny

The primal energy of our soul holds a wonderful warmth and welcome for us. One of the reasons we were sent onto the earth was to make this connection with ourselves, this inner friendship.                                                                                                                                                                                                    -John O’Donohue

Soul Work sessions are the sessions for which all other modalities are preparation.  Soul Work is the opportunity to listen to your soul and discover why you are here.  Soul Work is not psychotherapy, although it has evolved partly out of a broad cultural dissatisfaction with traditional talk therapy.    “A new artistic and spiritual movement has evolved so far beyond therapy, that needs its own name,”  Maureen O’Hara, former President of the Association for Humanistic Psychology suggests.  This is called Soul Work.  In these Soul sessions we explore and discover the journey of your soul.  Working mindfully in conjunction with the above healing modalities we can begin to uncover the path of your soul and your opportunities for its artistic and fullest expression as the creator of your life.  Soul Work, in short, is the art of living soulfully, from a place of deep imagination – but in a fully embodied way, so that you can become the artist of your own  life masterpiece.

New Client Soul Session Private Session (2 hours)

Existing Client Soul Session  Private Session (2 hours)


I’m a member of the International Association of Counselors and Therapists. A premier association for wellness practitioners





“I felt completely calm, comfortable and secure with Kirk right away.  The atmosphere he created for the session was very peaceful and serene.  I was extremely comfortable and relaxed during the session. 

Overall, it was an incredible experience.  I’m deeply grateful for the insights and knowledge that came out of it. “

“Kirk’s calm demeanor provided a sense of relaxation and freedom from fear of any kind.  Our session showed me a relationship so deep and important to me and gave me the distinct feeling that this has been a relationship in my life many times before.  It offered me the assurance that these feelings were real, had happened and I should embrace them and be thankful for the awareness.  This experience to give me peace in several areas of my life.  Kirk has the gifts of love and compassion that will be a blessing to many. I wholeheartedly recommend Kirk to take you on this Journey. ”   

‘I sought out a counseling session with Kirk to deal with the recent loss of my best friend. I found myself slipping into a deep sadness. Almost a depression. I know my emotions were so intense because this situation had triggered memories from my past where other loved ones had betrayed me.  My session with Kirk allowed me to relax into my body and be with my emotions… to express them at the deepest level, so my body could let them go. On the other side, I felt a new level of peace and calmness that I desperately needed. Kirk is a calming energy force that brought what I needed into our session together. I am very grateful to him for his compassion and caring, and I would recommend him to anyone seeking peace in their life.’